Monday, March 19, 2007

The Brain

The Brain is a wonderful and amazing center for all things that govern the activity for the body.
But what happens when there is a mass, a tumor, a cyst...pressing on vital nerves.
There are many symptoms and many functions that are affected and not functioning.
Today was a bad I made her much more can she take...she said today she went outside but had to run in feeling out of place..I told her all she had to do was survive and she said she didn't think she could...the brain is affected..the vital nerves being pushed on..or is it in anouther part of the brain where there are chemicals? What is going on...and will she make it through..she is sad, she is tired, she feels lost and defeated...anouther part of the brain..
Hang in there, break through, see clearly. Wisdom be near me, help me.
God of wonder and perfection deliverence and strength be with her in her need and set her free. Free from imbalanced chemicals, suicidal thoughts, her lost condition. Walk down the hall to the place where she sleeps touch her soul and set her free from the accusing voices with in. Set the captive free please Father please.

Friday, March 16, 2007

it is not time

You are not supposed to go
not now, not today
why would you end it all
and throw your choices away?

what happened? when did you break?
and come so close to causing so much heartache?

Why are you sick
and will it get better
is it cancer or is it safe

Can they operate and take it away
does it matter to you or would you rather it stayed?

how do i communicate
fear is ever present
God is my source
and I need His strength
but what can be done about ones mental state?

Is He big enough and will it matter
if the choices are still left so scattered?

Free will that is one I don't quite understand
please Lord heal her soul and help her stand.

Don't let her quit and throw it all away
I need her still to this very day.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

My Baby Sis

My Beautiful Baby Sister is COMING!!!
She is going to be here on the 27th and no end in site to her leaving!!
She is a Colorado girl in desperate need for her family and I cannot wait for her to come and bring her joy our way!
Love you sissy!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


She is going to be beautiful
She will be perfect in every way
She will be the long awaited gift that only the King can give...
Grow baby grow...Can't wait to meet you.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


I have been to see my beloved Angi and came back with a .....

Mission??? (Bond Girl)
an assigned or self-imposed duty or task; calling; vocation.
a sending or being sent for some duty or purpose.
those sent.

A mission...something I must do... work my business for the health and well being of a purpose that seems so far gone...but it is not with out fear of failure and another fall...but love trumps my I will work and set another goal...and let the chips land where they may as I give it my very best effort in March...

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

Friday, March 2, 2007

going going gone

That's it
No more
I've had enough!!!
We are headed down to see my very best friend and mentor and we will not be back until we feel better (well by Monday anyway)....
To many crazy events
to much rain
so we are going going GONE!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Twist

Well I would like to say that this is the type of twist we are watching out for today...but it is not.
We are projected to have some twister weather that has brought my babies home to me so I am going to wash the dog and get a jump on some of Tori's homework. I don't mind so much, any moments extra that I can squeeze out of the day to be with them is a good day regardless of the weather.