Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Release "to let go"

a freeing or releasing from confinement, obligation, pain, emotional strain, etc
the releasing of something for publication, performance, use, exhibition, or sale.

Why can't I let go....Why can't I turn away and say goodbye...what am I supposed to be doing?

I can't seem to write the next page... I can't let go of the past, most of it I can let go but not all.

I can't leave, I am bound. Never satisfied with the way it is.

Time to reinvent..perfect and strengthen that which remains, mend an ever broken heart..but how? I won't let them in..they will go away to..breath

I have just about had all I can stand, the distance, the gap, the ache.

I have to get busy...that will pass the time and write a new page.

Pain is the catalyst that won't let me forget the connection..the reason why I started this to begin with...pain is no friend of mine, but I endure the pain for the moments...the few moments that used to be hours and days, that were so grossly taken for granted.

I am not lost, not without purpose, not without a mentor, just in transition, a season of pain.

"Frame your world with your words" I remember them all..all of the words, pearls.

Release me pain so I can get busy about the Father's work and be free and secure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe you will find this article interesting. Especially the first three paragraphs. Ntoe the word 'release' Read On: